Franklin County Amateur Radio Club Information Net Preamble


This is <call sign>. Franklin County Amateur Radio Club Information Net starts in one minute. Does anyone need to use the repeater before I begin?

Net Preamble:

(This is the sample preamble that we have been using for several years. It is not written in stone, and can be modified to suit each operator. We no longer shut off the various repeater signals, as that seemed to intensify the problems with the controller. That also gets everyone used to keeping their transmissions short enough to avoid timing out.)

Good Evening ”this is <call sign> Net Control station for the Franklin County Amateur Radio Club’s weekly information Net, held each Thursday at 8 P.M. on the 146.985 KB1BSS repeater. This net meets to let members and non-members exchange information and ideas as well as to make announcements and handle any message traffic.

The first call-up will be for stations with message traffic or announcements. Your call-sign and name please. (Record any who call in, and inquire as to the message or announcement so that you can bring them in at the proper time.)

We are now taking stations with or without traffic – your call sign and name please.  (Record call-signs as they come in. When the activity dies down read off the list that you have recorded, and then start at the top of the list and ask each one to make their comments. Identify yourself with your call and as the Net Control station during the net as appropriate.)

When you have reached the end of the list again ask if there is anyone else who would like to join the group at this time. Acknowledge these check-ins, and allow them to each make comments or pass information.

When there are no other check-ins, ask if anyone has anything further for the net. Then allow the original check-ins with message traffic or announcements to pass along their information.

After all activity has been taken care of, use the following: If there is no further business to come before the net, I want to thank all of the stations that checked in this evening, those who might have been standing by, and the FCARC for the use of the repeater. I hope you will all return next week when your Net Control Station will be <refer to your schedule for the proper name and call-sign>. This is <call sign> returning the repeater to regular amateur use. Good evening …

From document distributed by Richard Burnham, AC1L.